Tree of Life Match Box in Stainless Steel (Wholesale)

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  • Proudly Handcrafted in USA.
  • Approximately 1.5”x2”.
  • Refillable: Fits a standard box of matches* 
  • The back is perfect for engraving!

Why use a boring old cheap lighter when you can strike up a flame in style with these awesome matchbox covers!

If you like to be old school (or you just like the superior performance of a wood match) these matchboxes are for you. Why not add style and substance to those tacky cardboard match boxes. These exactly fit a standard 32ct matchbox, leaving the strike area open for easy match-lighting. 

Why would I want to use wood matches? I’m glad you asked. Wood matches are just plain superior to lighters for many activities, including: 

  • Lighting Candles
  • Lighting Incense
  • Lighting Smudge-wands
  • Starting Fireplace kindling
  • Weddings
  • Rituals
  • Ceremonies
  • Every day coolness
  • Lighting Cigars
  • Lighting Gas-stove-top burners or pilot lights
  • Lighting certain recreational substances that are legal in some states (I’m looking at you Colorado)
  • And many more…

 My matchbox cover is made of heavy 20-gauge Stainless Steel, with a striking fine pewter emblem.

  • Handcrafted in USA.
  • Approximately 1.5”x2”.
  • Refillable: Fits a standard box of matches* 
  • The back is perfect for engraving!


I engineered these Match Box Covers to fit a standard 32 count box of matches, so that you can buy replacement matches at any grocery store or convenience store. I use diamond strike anywhere matches and they work great!

How to refill the matches: When you are done with one cardboard box of matches, just slide the entire cardboard box (including the sleeve with the strike area) out of the metal cover, and insert your new box of matches. Done and ready to go!


Celtic knotwork patterns have been used for centuries as symbols of connection, protection, and good luck. And, let’s be honest, because they look awesome.

This design was a collaboration with me and my talented wife Suzie. She had a great concept for a tree of life with the canopy and the roots being the same knot reflected. She did the initial knot layout, and as we were trying to figure out how to bring the knots together, I saw the person in the trunk.  I thought it was great symbolism so I adjusted the trunk and added the head to bring out the person I saw.  I then helped with the final cleanup and we had our tree of life. 

The Tree of Life is a symbol of interconnection, wisdom, and hope. The concept figures in many different religions, mythologies, and philosophies. The Tree of Life is also referred to as the World Tree, the Sacred Tree, the Cosmic Tree, and by specific names such as Yggdrasil (Norse) and Etz Chaim (Hebrew). If you have deep roots and a good canopy, you can weather the storms of life and be true to yourself. You can live your best life by just being you.

This design is the winner of two Visionary Awards including Jewelry of the Year and Product of the Year, awarded by Coalition of Visionary Resources.

All CelticKnotWorks pieces are proudly handcrafted in the USA. This tree is our original design, designed from scratch by me and Suzie. I make these matchbox covers in partnership with my family business, Deva Designs.

*I can’t include the matches themselves, to comply with U.S. shipping regulations. My Match Boxes fit the standard small pocket-sized box of matches, that you can find in any grocery store and convenience store. 

Additional information

Weight 2.9983 lbs